Until March 31, 2025
Pre-Season Participant
$99.00 + $7.00 Fee
From April 1, 2025 to June 15, 2025
Regular Season Participant
$130.00 + $7.00 Fee
From June 16, 2025 until June 25, 2025
Game Day Participant
$150.00 + $7.00 Fee
I give my child permission to participate in the Pro Football Camp June 23-25, 2025 (the “Camp”). I acknowledge and agree that participation involves risks and dangers which include, without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, sickness and disease, permanent disability, paralysis and loss of life; loss of or damage to equipment/property; exposure to extreme conditions and circumstances; accidents, contact or collision with other participants, spectators, vehicles or other natural or manmade objects; dangers arising from adverse weather conditions; imperfect field conditions; surface hazards; equipment failure; inadequate safety measures; participants of varying skill levels; situations beyond the immediate control of Pro Football Camp or others; and other undefined risks and dangers which may not be readily foreseeable or are presently unknown. I expressly and voluntarily permit my child to participate in the Camp, and I and my child assume all risks and responsibility for any damages, liabilities, losses or expenses as a result of my child’s participation in the Camp. I hereby consent to treatment in the event of an emergency or other incident in which, in the reasonable judgment of on-site and other personnel, my child requires medical care. I further agree to pay all costs associated with medical care and to indemnify and hold the Released Parties (as defined below) from any costs or claims arising from such medical care. I hereby release, waive and covenant not to sue, and further agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the following parties: Pro Football Camp, Colorado Institute of Sports Medicine, other participants, sponsors, advertisers, City of Colorado Springs, law enforcement agencies and other public entities providing support for the Camp and each of their respective parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, officers, directors, partners, shareholders, members, agents, employees and volunteers (individually and collectively, the “Released Parties”), with respect to any liability, claim(s), demand(s), cause(s) of action, damage(s), loss or expense (including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) of any kind or nature (“Liability”) which may arise out of, result from, or relate to my child’s participation in the Camp, including claims for Liability caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Released Parties. I further agree that if, despite this Agreement, I or my child, or anyone on my or my child’s behalf, makes a claim for Liability against any of the Released Parties, I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any such Liability which may be incurred as the result of such claim. I hereby grant to Pro Football Camp, its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns and licensees permission to film, photograph, video record and otherwise record my or my child’s image, voice avatar, name, biographical data, silhouette, body dimension, shape, posture, or any other aspect of the recording at the Camp (collectively, the “Recording”) and the right, throughout the world, in perpetuity, to register for copyright, to use and to assign and/or license others to use all or any portion of the results thereof (or a reproduction thereof), in all media and in any manner now known or hereafter developed, in connection with the Camp or otherwise without any additional consideration. Neither I nor my child shall have any right of approval or legal claim arising out of any use or editing of the Recording or my or my child’s name or likeness. Pro Football Camp shall have no obligation to use any of the rights I grant. I or my child may provide to Pro Football Camp information such as name, contact information, age, gender and other demographic, physical, physiological or identifying characteristics specifically requested from me or my child. My child’s participation in the Camp is voluntary. By my child participating in the Camp, and giving such data to Pro Football Camp, I hereby grant the Released Parties, or any of them, permission to collect, capture, record and store the data, and grant to each of the Released Parties a license to use the data for any purposes whatsoever. I hereby warrant that I have read this Agreement carefully, understand its terms and conditions, acknowledge that I and my child will be giving up substantial legal rights by signing it (including the rights of my spouse, children, parents, guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns), acknowledge that I have signed this Agreement freely and voluntarily, without any inducement, assurance or guarantee, and intend for my signature to serve as confirmation of my complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement represents the complete understanding between the parties regarding these issues and no oral representations, statements or inducements have been made apart from this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
I agree to the above waiver
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