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I, Isaac, Take You, Rebekah by Dr. James Dobson

I, Isaac, Take You, Rebekah Product Photo

June 4-5, 2020
Guest: Ravi Zacharias

Part 1
Early in a new relationship, it's easy for couples to think that those warm feelings of love will last forever. On this broadcast, the late Ravi Zacharias examines a relationship from the Bible to express how love is much deeper than emotion. Ravi uses Isaac and Rebekah's marriage as a model for what romance, character, and commitment should look like.

Part 2
Choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make and remaining faithful is essential to a healthy marriage. This broadcast concludes our week of programming honoring Ravi Zacharias. In this presentation, the late apologist sternly stresses the importance of both purity and emotionally preparing oneself for marriage.

Suggested Donation: $6

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