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Setting a Moral Compass by Dr. James Dobson

Setting a Moral Compass Product Photo

October 28-29, 2020
Guest: Dr. Bill Bennett

Part 1
How can anyone know what is good or evil? Who determines right from wrong? Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Bill Bennett examine why God alone can be our only source and measure of morality. Dr. Bennett also talks about his battles against the music industry for marketing highly sexual, violent and obscene music, and why parents need to know what their kids are listening to.

Part 2
It’s futile to try to establish societal ethics and laws without acknowledging God as the ultimate lawgiver. Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Bill Bennett answer questions from the studio audience, along with explaining why immorality is more rampant today than ever before, and imploring America to return to promoting godliness and family values.

Suggested Donation: $6

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