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The Three R's of Parenting by Dr. James Dobson

The Three R's of Parenting Product Photo

February 24-25, 2021
Guest: John Rosemond

Part 1
Long ago, the culture stopped listening to Grandma and her timeless wisdom for raising children. So today, we tend to focus too much on accomplishments, instead of prioritizing character development. John Rosemond, author of A Family of Value, talks about parental discipline, strengthening marriage, and creating a stable family by emphasizing the "three R's"–respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness.

Part 2
Many of today’s parents have been misled by the culture into believing that their job is to produce the next Mozart or champion athlete, and have lost sight of the idea that the family is God's workshop for building men and women of character. Author John Rosemond explains why parents should limit TV and excessive toys, and focus on instilling respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness in their children.

Suggested Donation: $6

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