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Stages of A Woman by Dr. James Dobson

Stages of A Woman Product Photo

March 15-16, 2021
Guest: Jean Lush

Part 1
If you are a woman in your late 30's or early 40's, you may be experiencing a sense of general uneasiness, low self-worth and possibly even a withdrawal from some of the activities you once enjoyed. The late author Jean Lush had a good explanation: you likely could be premenopausal. In addition to any necessary medical treatment, she assures you that God will give you the grace you need to survive this season of change.

Part 2
When "menopausal misery" hits, women can experience hot flashes, headaches, anxiety and sometimes even deep depression. In this part 2 discussion, the late author Jean Lush explains that as a woman’s menstrual cycle ceases, her body changes and she will often lack energy, be on edge, and can have frequent, exhausting mood changes. Lush counsels husbands to be extra supportive during this time, and tells women they can look forward to greater energy on the other side.

Suggested Donation: $6

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