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Hurting Kids and How the Church Should Respond by Dr. James Dobson

Hurting Kids and How the Church Should Respond Product Photo

June 23-24, 2021
Guest: Chap Clark

Part 1
Our culture says the key to well-adjusted teens is to get them plugged into the right peer group. Chap Clark, author of Hurt 2.0: Inside the World of Today's Teens, disagrees by saying, "Two kids in a mud puddle cannot clean each other up." The truth is that young people crave their parents' guidance. Surprisingly though, when the Bible addresses child discipline, 90% of the time the reference is to train your children like a coach. Only 10% of the time does God call parents to correctively punish. Think about that.

Part 2
Christian parents are understandably worried about how the world is poisoning their teens. But Chap Clark, author of Hurt 2.0: Inside the World of Today’s Teens, says the single greatest gift you can give the young adults under your roof is to intentionally climb into their world each day. And do it without an agenda. It’s revolutionary! Your actions will trump your words. Clark also points out that the family that prays together, plays together, and eats together is the one that stays together.

Suggested Donation: $6

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