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Facing the Blitz by Dr. James Dobson

Facing the Blitz Product Photo

March 11-12, 2020
Guest: Jeff Kemp

Part 1:
The entire momentum of a football game can be dramatically shifted as the result of an aggressive blitz. On this broadcast, former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp breaks down how life can also feel like a sudden ruthless attack. He and Dr. Dobson further unpack this analogy and discuss the need for servanthood in our daily walk. Listen to why we must turn to Jesus when adversity comes.

Part 2:
President Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." On this edition, former NFL quarterback, Jeff Kemp continues to point to humility as a way to handle the blitz of life. He and Dr. Dobson also reminisce about their relationships with their fathers and illustrate what dads must do to better invest in their children. Don't miss what Jeff is doing now to empower men and women in their faith.

Suggested Donation: $6

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