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Fathers and Sons: Getting Back to the Basics by Dr. James Dobson

Fathers and Sons: Getting Back to the Basics Product Photo

June 16-17, 2021
Guest: Dr. Tim Clinton

Part 1
Dr. James Dobson sits down with Dr. Tim Clinton to discuss the importance of fathers in the lives of their children. Years ago, as a young father, Tim risked losing his own kids as he tried to build a career and impact the world. But after hearing Dr. Dobson on the radio challenging fathers to be present for their kids, Clinton was convicted to reassess his priorities. Reducing his travels and speaking commitments, he was able to treasure the quality time spent with his kids and his wife.

Part 2
In this Part 2 edition, Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Tim Clinton talk about America’s epidemic rise in fatherlessness and the desperate need for dads to be present in their kid’s lives. Clinton explains that a solid relationship with a father can empower children, especially boys, to effectively navigate harmful peer pressure. Dobson and Clinton emphasize that a man’s career ambitions must never outrank building emotionally close relationships with his children as he disciples them in the Lord.

Suggested Donation: $6

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