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Hope for This Present Crisis by Dr. James Dobson

Hope for This Present Crisis Product Photo

March 17-18, 2021
Guest: Dr. Michael Youssef

Part 1
Because mainstream America is no longer committed to biblical truth, our society is unraveling before our eyes. From our embrace of sexual immorality to socialistic policies, the ripple effect is spreading. World-renowned pastor, Dr. Michael Youssef, author of Hope for This Present Crisis, urges pastors to return to an orthodox, biblical Christianity. He explains that a watered-down gospel preached from fear-filled pulpits leads to parishioners willing to conform to a sin-stained world.

Part 2
With a disregard for absolute truth in today’s culture, it has become essential that Christian families spend consistent time immersed in God’s Word. Pastor Michael Youssef, author of Hope for This Present Crisis, grew up under a socialist dictatorship and yearned to one day breathe America’s "air of freedom" inspired by its Christian heritage. Now a U.S. citizen, he’s become increasingly alarmed by the radical socialist agenda being taught in classrooms, and Christians being denied free speech.

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