Betrayal – the Epic of the Kingdom – a Movie
A Ministry Charity Project of Capstone Legacy Foundation
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The Bible has never been told, creation to judgment, as a seamless, two-hour epic movie. It is time for Betrayal, a true-to-the-Bible adventure for mainstream secular audiences around the world. Join us in making this movie a reality.

From before earth was created, through the end of the world as we know it, Betrayal tells the story of the invisible war between the King who created our universe, and his traitorous former General Lucifer. Lucifer has hijacked the earth - and the humans who live there. The King will stop at nothing to rescue his human family.

Based on the novel Passport Please, which is based 100% on the Bible, Betrayal is not religious, and it is not preachy. You are invited to help us tell this story to the world.

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